Thursday, December 15, 2016

Sleep Tight Farm

This book is lovely. It is a quiet book, which you can tell from the cover. But so lovely! 

I had it in my Amazon cart for a long time before finally pre-ordering it. But it was a farm, it was Vermont, and the pictures....!! 

So I pre-ordered it. No regrets. 

It begins with...

The December days shorten and darken. 
We are busy putting the farm to bed. 

And this book follows the family as they prepare everything on the farm for the winter. 

I want to live in this house.

This is the story of a family getting the farm ready for winter. Covering up the strawberries,

Goodnight strawberries.

...gathering in the harvest...

....cutting back the raspberry canes...

(I love, love that border of raspberries)

...chopping wood...

Good night, stacked wood waiting to work!

...putting the hoop house to bed. 

I love how they compare the summer with the fall/winter. 

Battening down the hatches in the chicken coop.

Settling the bees in

Getting equipment out of the weather

Stringing up Christmas lights.

Oh..... love, love, love!!

Snowy farm scenes get me every time. 

The farm is tucked in, and so are the farm kids.

This book makes me so happy! 

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