Friday, July 1, 2016

Snappsy the Alligator By Julie Falatko & Illus by Tim Miller

Another book from Clover. I have been eyeing this book since it came out this spring and wanting to get it for my kids. And here it is for me to read.

Ol' Snappsy the Alligator is just going about his life when he acquires a narrator, following him around dictating his life and movements to the masses.

Imagine the paparazzi suddenly descending on your normal life.

The narrator is taking everything down.

Snappsy does not appreciate the narrator.

And he has quibbles about the narrators qualifications.

At the grocery store, the narrator decides Snappsy has a fascination with food starting with the letter "P."

We follow Snappsy home to "a surprisingly lopsided shack."

Snappsy does not appreciate this commentary on his craftsmanship.

And then he stayed in there, doing who knows what. It drives the narrator wild with curiosity.

Poor old Snappsy just wants a quiet moment.

Snappsy snaps.

Snappsy throws a party to make life more interesting for the narrator.

I love the party animals.

Cupcake stealing bunny and mouse. YES!

And then we finally meet the narrator.

A wise cracking chicken.

The party is in full swing!

And then that is about it.

I was really excited by this book, and it is fun, but I think it could be more fun. Somehow. It felt a little anticlimactical. Or maybe it is just because I had such high hopes for it!

I do love Tim Miller's illustrations though!

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